Real vista Jobs Stock Icons (1536 Icons) - $99 US BUY NOW | Sample | PDF
In this collection you will find a full range of icons which design was based in the original Windows Vista concept, colours and shapes. Best quality Icons you can find, very carefully designed whit realistic Characteristics related to color an textures trying to give them the best look possible, assembling reality that make your website difference from others as well it makes easier to manipulate the graphical user interface which allows people (clients) to interact fully understanding the icons they are using.
The jobs icons set has a great variety of jobs, gender and ethnics that are common so people can relate to, it could be useful to deal with different kind of personal making easier the communication process between them.In this collection you can find unlimited icons related to different ,careers, races and different kind of people in general (such as Japanese, black and white, even native people), very useful to build up children’s encyclopedias to teach them about people and cultures around the world, could be useful too for websites and/or applications releated to manage different kind of personal and workers or dating services that need an interesting way for arranging their contacts.